Android why is it called toast

But a toaster make more sense. A friend of work remembered the "Toasty! We both thought the "Toast" came from that reference : img2. The Overflow Blog. Does ES6 make JavaScript frameworks obsolete? Podcast Do polyglots have an edge when it comes to mastering programming Featured on Meta.

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You can't long-press them to change their settings or even tell which app displayed them in the first place. So if you keep seeing a toast message and you don't know what it means, what do you do? Normally, you'd be SOL, but with an app from developer Michal Jakubowski , you can keep a running log of all toast messages displayed on your phone.

You can even overlay the originating app's icon on toast messages and make them tappable, so really, this is the only toast tool you'll ever need. The app that will make this possible is called Toast Source. Search for it by name in your Play Store app to get it installed, or tap the link below from your phone to jump straight to the app's download page.

If you've used Android apps for any length of time, you've no doubt noticed these little notifications that pop up and fade away with time:. These are called toast messages , and are an important tool for Android app designers, because they don't steal focus from the current activity. Your app might complete a background task while the user is playing a game, and with toasts you are able to convey this information without taking the user away from their present context.

Of course, toast messages can prove a challenge for automation, not just because of their ephemeral nature. From the perspective of the Android Accessibility layer, toast messages aren't visible!

If you try to get the XML source from an Appium session while a toast is present on screen, you won't find its text anywhere. Luckily, with the advent of the Espresso driver , we have the ability to match text against on-screen toasts!

Let's see how it all works. First, we need a way to actually produce toast messages we can use for testing.


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