Thinning hair is a possibility. Because your skin can become so fragile, hair removal techniques like waxing, dermabrasion, or laser treatments can lead to scarring.
Women of childbearing years should take a pregnancy test before starting this medication. You should also use an effective form of birth control , plus a backup method. If you do get pregnant, stop taking the medication and tell your doctor right away.
Taking isotretinoin during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, death of the fetus, or premature birth. It can also lead to severe birth defects such as:. It can also cause a buildup of fluid and pressure on the brain called hydrocephalus. This can lead to intellectual disabilities. Babies may be born with an underdeveloped brain and small head, which is called microcephaly. This can lead to intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Men who take isotretinoin may have some of the drug in their semen. The FDA-approved restricted distribution program is designed to inform people about the risks of birth defects and to prevent pregnancy while taking the drug.
Isotretinoin can affect your central nervous system. Some potential side effects include headaches and tiredness. You may have dry eyes or have trouble seeing in the dark. Some people have ringing in the ears or hearing loss.
In some cases, hearing loss can become permanent. Isotretinoin can cause increased pressure in your brain , which is a life-threatening condition.
Symptoms of increasing brain pressure include:. Get medical help immediately if you have any of these symptoms. Any medication can cause an allergic reaction. Symptoms include hives, swelling of the mouth or face, or breathing problems. It was very Lizzie McGuire, and it was everything.
But while checking out my masterpiece in the mirror, I noticed a small eruption of red pimples on my forehead and cheeks. I suddenly went from loving my makeup to wanting to bury my head under my pillow.
Still, it wasn't the worst; I was comforted to notice that my friends had breakouts just like me. I figured it was a rite of passage—like bleeding through my pad or an awkward first kiss. When high school began, my acne hadn't gotten any better, and it wore down my already low self-esteem.
I felt so self-conscious that I would wake up first at sleepovers so I could cover my pimples with concealer. After raiding the drugstore for over-the-counter treatments with little success, my mom finally took me to a dermatologist at the start of my junior year.
My remaining breakouts were generally limited to my chin, but they were cystic, painful, and most irritatingly, constant.
I always had at least two deep red pimples that would inevitably scar. By the time I got to college, my acne was no longer just an insecurity but a huge factor in my worsening mental health. I felt trapped in my own skin, to the point where I refused to go out on weekends. I was constantly comparing myself to other women and feeling increasingly worthless. I had always placed value on my appearance and was preparing to enter the beauty industry.
It weighed on me. After a brief experiment with spironolactone , a blood pressure medication used to fight hormonal acne, that hit a wall, my dermatologist finally suggested I go on isotretinoin—commonly referred to as Accutane, a now discontinued brand. At the time I was about to graduate and desperate to try anything that could clear up my skin. It's now a year after I finished my treatment. And ultimately, I'm so glad I did it. I wouldn't go so far as to call it life-changing, but it absolutely had an effect on my outlook and how I feel about myself.
It wasn't an easy process, though. Going on isotretinoin is a serious undertaking that involves pregnancy tests and flaky skin. The decision to go on this medication shouldn't be taken lightly. Read on for the nine things I wish I'd known before going on isotretinoin and what you need to know about Accutane side effects. Isotretinoin is an oral retinoid, so it behaves similarly to the way a topical retinoid would, just at a much higher strength.
Most doctors recommend avoiding alcohol during treatment, which is something to consider before committing to the medication. But many find the experience uncomfortable or too restrictive. Here, we rounded up the things that you can expect when taking this medication. After months, you should see your skin becoming clearer. From 4 months onwards, isotretinoin will continue to block acne formation.
The usual duration of therapy is months. Isotretinoin continues to work for up to 2 months after your last intake. So your physician may stop your prescription without waiting for your skin to clear up totally. This helps you avoid unwanted side effects. The most frequent adverse effects of Accutane treatment are skin tightness, redness and peeling. With the purging of oil glands, you may also observe dryness of the skin, eyes and other mucosal surfaces. Photosensitivity and hair and nail changes are also common.
Systemic side effects are likewise linked to oral isotretinoin therapy, but they are either rare, preventable or manageable. They include:.
Some may think that it causes suicidal thoughts, but there is no strong evidence connecting psychiatric illness to Accutane intake. Meanwhile, acne by itself can affect people socially and psychologically, so many patients are prone to depression and other mental health issues. After a thorough evaluation, your doctor will walk you through various aspects of the treatment. They will explain the proper intake of your isotretinoin capsules and what you need to do to optimize their benefits and minimize risks.
One of your priorities before starting this therapy is registering for the iPledge program. This is a web-based pregnancy risk management program for individuals on Accutane or those planning to take it. The iPledge website has a list of requirements for both male and female patients. In a gist, they all involve strict protocols for preventing pregnancy during Accutane treatment and vice versa.
You need to satisfy iPledge requirements—a negative pregnancy test and declaring two birth control forms—before you are given another. Severe complications and unexpected pregnancy can set you back from your treatment goals, but these recommendations will help ensure better outcomes. Do not hesitate to tell your dermatologist if you have other health concerns. The Accutane treatment experience has its ups and downs. But you can reduce the hassles in yours by working closely with your dermatologist.
The rest need a second course. The period of remission takes years for most. Some cases of mild acne may be treated right away with this medication.
You may discuss it with your dermatologist. Generally, it will require a low-dose or alternate-day dosing regimen. What is known today is that isotretinoin does not increase the risk of skin cancer in humans. In fact, retinoids can protect you from this condition. They stimulate the formation of skin cancer protectants and modulate the immune system. Moreover, isotretinoin has been used to boost the effects of cancer drugs against other tumor types. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.