Why wowlikes doesnt work

You should want to avoid adding too much, not be sad that you could only DoT 9 this time before the hunter got the rest. Blizzard always was unwilling to even balance classes a tiny bit in this regard, by the way. That's why it's not that easy for them to add such a feature. On the other hand, Kring already noted this kind of stuff worked perfectly with Tyr's Hand in classic. I actually used to go to Hearthglen, : I'm not all that certain that it was working as intended by team A. But it certainly worked; and better than at the elemental plateau.

I wouldn't say that Wintergrasp and Tol Barad are the successors of the elemental plateau or Tol Barad, by the way. They rather were the successors of Halu. Moreover, daily quests in such zones are the antidote of fun. They make the whole idea feel mandatory, like you have to do you TB dailies today, to maximize standing with whatever faction you don't care about, to get that trinket for the raid.

What I proposing is strictly on an optional basis. I loved PvP in WoW. I spent many more hours in BGs than anywhere else.

I had several Arena teams over the years. But to force PvP on people who want to farm crafting materials is so damn stupid game design, it's hard to even find words for it. To do this in a game where PvP only works if the parties in question have a complete PvP set is insanity.

I really like zones like that and it seems to me that older MMOs had much more of it simply due to the lack of other content.

Farming dangerous mobs WAS the content, essentially. I don't think RIFT's crafting rifts do the system justice. In my experience, drop-in drop-out raids lead to little actual interaction.

A raid is way too big to be personal in any way, especially if the content is simply zerged. Small groups are where it's at. If raiding the zone becomes the most efficient way to farm, all effects will be lost. That would be even better. WoW has many places where the game was specifically designed to encourage grieving that I start to wonder if that wasn't just a "childish design decision" then a necessity.

At least from a warlock PoV. I have fond memories of the elemental plateau. Farming there on my own provided a certain flow, and I remember bonding with a guildie over helping him farm fire for his new helmet he was a prot warrior and they took forever killing things on their own back then. But also, I simply didn't need many eternals because there wasn't a single type that didn't already automatically fall into my lap in sufficient amounts while gathering or questing.

The newer event dailies do encourage people at cap to take part in invasions and rifts rather than just DF'ing random heroics while idling in the capital. So long as the rifts are of the right element for the dailies you can guarantee to find people around.

Invasions will usually lead eventually to a zerg mind, but that builds up as more people see the event on the map and port over. A lot of what you say exists in ffxi. That's a very social game. The result of the nature of the content. Monday, October 24, A Proposal for Wowlikes. Game companies nowadays think that players should have instantly accessible content.

Well, this content is instantly accessible. No queue times! No hassle with other players you don't like! And yet inherently social. This is about a feature I miss in every Wowlike I know. But there are many more which I haven't played yet. It's not the kind of feature that sells well at a convention.

You probably can't win players back by announcing it. But it is immensely powerful once in the game. It is only reachable with a flying mount. You can find level 70 and 71 elementals of all types here, as well as Pure Water fishing spots. And I can understand why. But the basic idea holds immense potential, in my opinion.

You want there to be occasions that make it socially awkward to not start talking. You want there to be a slight incentive to team up now - and in the future. They also all have an auction house. This auction house is very important, because it allows players to access the crafting materials without actually having to gather them themselves. Use the ultimate app - Wow Likes for Instagram. No Cheats or Zombie followers.

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