Why achieve greatness

At one season of my life all I had was a dream. That dream was the driving force in some of the darkest moments in my life. I had an uncommon vision and I was thinking of the day when all that sacrifice would culminate in success and extraordinary achievements. Now my work is recognized around the world and I am a highly respected thought leader. You may feel like you are in the fight of your life.

It may seem like the adversity is greater than you can bear. However, when you are fueled by an uncommon vision there is no valley that can defeat you. Your destination has to become greater than your discomfort. Never allow adversity to extinguish the dream that is in your heart. Your destiny is always worth fighting for. It is the ability to see the invisible. If you can see the invisible, you can achieve the impossible. It seems excellence has become a buzzword in this era.

While many are familiar with the word, few people really know what it takes to produce a life of excellence. Many people hear me speak and read my books and they are immediately fascinated. However, what they do not know is that excellence does not happen in a moment.

Excellence is produced through a decision to bring your best to every moment. Mediocrity may provide you with a comfortable life. However, excellence will produce a world-class life.

My goal was never to be good. After all, nobody remembers the good. I set an intention years ago to be the best in the world at what I do. The price has been greater than you would ever know. However, the reward of uncommon disciplines is unrivaled excellence. Many people in the world today are fascinated with a future they are unwilling to pay the price for.

You do not have to dream about a better life. You can commit to excellence and create a life beyond anything you could have ever imagined. Image courtesy of Twenty Jamelle is committed to empowering leaders and entrepreneurs around the world to live up to their true potential and to profit wildly in their businesses. Jamelle is a life coach, business strategist, author, leading empowerment specialist and highly respected thought leader. Your email address will not be published.

Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Yet, relationships are commitments, and any commitment will require some degree of sacrifice, whether that be a reassessment of your priorities, a reevaluation of your self-worth , or placing the needs of your partner before your own. I started with odd jobs like babysitting and refereeing hockey games, moved up to working at fast food restaurants, and, eventually, started my own cleaning and car-washing businesses. Have you ever sent a text message only to have it misinterpreted by the person reading it?

Happens all the time. Have you ever given a presentation that you were totally prepared for only to have it fall flat? Visram found that the market had remained stalled for decades, even as the population was growing increasingly interested in healthy, organic foods.

She decided that this was going to be her "big bet" and eventually raised enough capital to launch Happy Family, in In , Visram sold Happy Family to a multinational company committed to products that promote health. She knew this path would enable even broader distribution and product choices for consumers.

Her early investors realized return of 30 times. If you feel uncomfortable taking risks, try switching up your mindset and view it as an incremental process of change, as opposed to a reckless act.

This lessens the fear, and risk-taking then becomes part of the process of discovery. Risk and development helps us avoid stagnation by constantly calling us back to the drawing board. Like the cautionary tales of Kodak and Blockbuster that I write about in my book, " Be Fearless: 5 Principles for a Life of Breakthroughs and Purpose ," it's easy to stick with what's comfortable. But as Josh Linker, author of "Road to Reinvention" reminds us, "Playing it safe has become recklessly dangerous.

While no one seeks out failure, great innovators make setbacks matter. They take the lessons to further perfect their ideas. The point is not to celebrate failure but rather learn from it — as numerous leaders and businesses like Google X, IBM, Meg Whitman and others have.

More brain power applied to anything is usually a good thing, but too often, breakthroughs are seen as the stuff of lone geniuses. In reality, the greatest organizations, products and movements were all advanced by people working together — people who were different from one another and complimented each other's skill.

In a report called " Delivering Through Diversity ," McKinsey studied the data of 1, companies across 12 countries. How many times has someone told you that they were going to do something, but never even started? Better yet, how many times have you committed to doing something only to quit maybe two or three weeks into it? If you want to live an exceptional and extraordinary life, you have to give up many of the things that are part of a normal one.

You have to instill discipline and consciously make the right choices daily. Only when you realize this, do you start paving the road to living in your greatness, no matter what your definition of it is. All Rights Reserved. About Books Connect. Want To Achieve Greatness? It varies from person to person. Greatness is measured by what we choose to measure it by.

Here is the most basic method for how anyone can achieve greatness in anything: How To Achieve Greatness In Anything Discipline — Constant, consistent efforts create habits.

Habits create discipline. Discipline is one of the primary building blocks to reachable greatness. You probably already know this though.


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