Who is brad paisley married to

The couple took to Instagram to post about the occasion on their respective accounts. All about their marriage of 19 years. Help us improve our coverage of pop-culture news. Take the 3-minute survey now. New User posted their first comment. Log in. Modified 05 Jul Feature. That was something I wasn't, you know, I was forced to confront.

So was she. I don't know if she's still sure yet, but it doesn't matter. We had a pretty good time. The singer married the actress on March 15, Paisley first spotted his now-wife in the movie Father of the Bride , which he saw with his then-girlfriend. By the time Father of the Bride Part II came out, Paisley had broken up with that girlfriend -- in fact, she left him for his best friend!

Eight months later, they were completely smitten with each other. The couple moved together to Nashville, Tennessee and now have two sons — William, 12, and Jasper, Even though it took a while for Brad and Kimberly to meet, it was pure magic when they did.

And now, Bradley says the couple is as solid as ever. Product Reviews. Home Ideas. United States. IE 11 is not supported. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Share this —. Follow today. More Brands. Brad Paisley talks new single 'City of Music' before kicking off tour July 4, By Maura Hohman.


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